Wednesday, April 5, 2017

John McCain Calls Trump's Refusal To Punish Assad A Crime Against Humanity

The horrible attack on Syrian citizens by its president has shocked most the world.  However, there are two important exceptions.  President Trump did not take any actions to punish Assad.  Instead, he used the occasion to blame President Obama for being a weak president.  Trump is still behaving as if he were running his campaign instead of assuming the role of a US president.  John McCain, one of the most senior Republicans in the senate, blasted Trump's inaction on CNN.  Perhaps Trump did not want to criticize Assad while Putin is trying to blame the rebels for gassing their supporters.  Nevertheless, Trump has refused to take a moral position against the crime.  Morality is not one of his strong suits.  The only thing that is really immoral to Trump are things that affect him personally.

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