Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What It's Like Being Led By A Genius In America

Donald Trump has a very simple explanation for the problems that he believes we have in the US.  We have lots of problems because we are stupid.  Trump's cure for our stupidity is to rely upon his genius.  Dana Milbank lists all of the dumb things that Trump blames for our problems.  He then offers his genius to guide us towards deliverance.  Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner supports Trump's claim to genius, but it may not be as strong as Trump would have liked.  Kushner stated that Trump is a political genius and he may be correct.  He has sold himself as a genius to his base.  More Republicans support Trump than they have for any previous US president with the exception of George W. Bush following 9-11.  Trump may pass Bush's record if he continues to put his genius on display by behaving like the narcissist that he is.  His base loves him when he is at his narcissist best like he was on his TV show.  They want him to fire everyone like he did on his TV show and run the country with his genius.

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