Monday, June 18, 2012

Ouster Of University Of Virginia President Has Consequences

This article sheds more light on the circumstances surrounding the firing of the president. It also describes some of the repercussions from the manner in which it was done.  The board never took a formal vote on the  decision.  Apparently, Helen Dragas, contacted board members independently until she got a majority of the board to support a decision to fire the president.  She then informed the president that she had enough votes to fire her.  The president then submitted her resignation.

Several huge donors to the university have reacted strongly to the manner in which the decision was made.  They will not make further contributions to the University unless the decision is reversed.  The Provost of the University also made a speech to the faculty that was met with resounding applause.  He told the faculty that he might have to resign because the process violated the University Of Virginia honor code which is a valued part of the university's culture. This could lead many in the faculty to resign as well.

The board has the legal authority to do as it pleases about the decision.  It does not have the power, however, to contain reactions to the decision that harm the reputation of the university.  This decision is far from being final.  Some board members have raised questions about the process as well.  Apparently, several were not included in the process that was orchestrated by Helen Dragas.

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