Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Republican Autopsy Report

The Republican National Committee commissioned a study to determine why it lost the presidential election and did not become the majority party in the senate.  It is hard to determine whether the study is a diagnosis of a sick patient or an autopsy of a corpse.  The study was quite frank about the problems that the party has outside of its regional strongholds.  The frankness of the report has led to denials by the conservative wing in the party.  The conservative wing is based primarily on social issues that appeal to a shrinking number of voters.  The GOP establishment is more oriented to economic issues.  It believes that the economic messages can be massaged without departing from core economic ideology.

1 comment:

  1. In business, this kind of denial of company growth and customer dissatisfaction is usually reflected in a response from Wall St. Then heads roll, new leadership is installed and that usually leads to improvement. It's not about the leaders themselves, but about what they can achieve - shareholder value. In this case, The American people are the shareholders, and they voiced their opinion - at the polls.
