Monday, April 8, 2013

Secret Bank Accounts In Tax Havens Create Uproar In France

As more information about secret bank accounts becomes available there may be some reaction by the public.  A government official in France was caught in a lie about a secret account that he had in Switzerland.  The right wing has been given an opportunity to be critical of the socialist government that promised to clean up government in France.  They have taken advantage of it. However, it may come back to haunt them.  The use of secret bank accounts is widespread and the press is bound to make the public more aware of the ways in which the wealthy avoid taxes.

Mitt Romney's use of tax havens became an issue in the US presidential election.  He argued that they are perfectly legal.  The public seemed to accept that explanation.  As more information becomes available about the extent of their use by corporations and the super-rich even the jaded US public may sense that something needs to be done about tax avoidance.  Governments have not done all that they can do about the problem because so many of their supporters take advantage of weaknesses in the tax laws, as well as weak enforcement of laws that do exist. 

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