Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Human Cost Of Climate Change

Andrew Guzman wrote a book on this topic that is reviewed in this article.  Guzman takes a conservative view on temperature change and describes the consequences of that change. That will focus the debate upon the consequences of the target that major nations have already agreed upon.  The actual temperature change will be much higher at the current rate of carbon emissions but the damages done by the agreed upon target for temperature change boggle the mind.  Most of us know that many island nations will be affected by rising sea levels but California may also lose access to fresh water as a result of rising sea levels.  Climate change will also lead to food shortages and fresh water shortages in many parts of the world.  His book describes a grim legacy that we will leave to our grandchildren if we accept our current target for temperature change.  One of the strengths of his book is the detail that he provides on methods that we might use to limit carbon emissions.  They will be expensive but the costs are low relative to the consequences of inaction.

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