Friday, February 4, 2011

Fox News Searching for Climate Change Deniers

True to form, Fox News has decided to continue with its disinformation campaign on climate change. They understand that its customer base wants to remain critical of the science on climate change. All they need to do is find anyone on the fringe of the science to feed them red meat. Its not essential that they prove to their customer base that claims about global warming are false. They only need to convince their customer base that there is doubt in the scientific community. Since their customer base believes that the response to global warming may have some financial cost, they will not support efforts to limit climate change as long as there are any doubters in the scientific community. This is all that the Tea Party crowd needs. It fits in with their view of government. Cut taxes and limit the role of the federal government just as they believe the Constitution demands.

You may notice that I referred to those who watch Fox News as its customer base. Ruppert Murdoch has built his media empire by carefully cultivating the populist base in the UK, Australia and the US. There is a business purpose and a political purpose to his methods. One GOP politician commented that he believed that Fox worked for the party. He now believes that the GOP works for Fox News. It has become dependent upon yellow journalism to nurture its base.

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