Friday, April 13, 2012

Can Capitalism Survive If Laws Are Not Enforced?

This article brings together some of problems that we have seen in the enforcement of law when it applies to powerful groups together into a theme. The theme is that the lack of enforcement creates the seeds that can destroy capitalism itself. The financial system seldom achieved 20% of corporate profits in the US. Its share rose to 30% at the peak, prior to crisis, and it is now back to the peak. We have an anomaly in which the financial sector, which provides 10% of the value added in the economy, collects 30% of the profits. The growth of profits in the finance industry has been obtained by the use of practices, and the development of products, that are either illegal or unethical, yet those responsible for that behavior have not been subject to criminal prosecution. Whether this will lead to the destruction of capitalism is an open question. Whether this is the kind of capitalism that is consistent with democratic governance and the public good is not an open question.

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