Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The 2012 Election Framed By An Economist

Mark Thoma, frames the 2012 election as a choice between a free market economy and an economy in which government has an important role to play.  This is one of fundamental differences between Democrats and Republicans, but it is not likely to be the primary rationale that voters will use to make their choices.  The  GOP will promise tax cuts and position itself as the fiscally responsible party that will save the country from bankruptcy.  It will also position itself as the party that is aligned with job creation, versus an administration that destroyed jobs.  Mitt Romney is the successful business leader that our country needs to fix the economy that has been harmed by Obama's lack of business experience and management skill.  These are relatively simple ideas that voters can understand.  The president will be on the defensive.  He has been in charge for the last four years and we still have high unemployment.  He will be forced to put some of the blame for the slow recovery on GOP obstructionism, but he also has to convince the public that the next four years will not be more of the same.  He has to outline the steps that he will take to grow the economy and lower unemployment.  He also has to provide a plan that will enable government to support the entitlement programs that many depend upon.

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