Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Paul Ryan's Ayn Rand Budget In Three Sentences

This article provides all that you need to know about the Ryan budget.  It describes the cuts that might  balance the budget by 2023 as long as they do not curtail economic growth.  Ostensibly, it is about the federal budget, but it is really his view about the kind of country that we should be.  We need to slay the federal dragon that is destroying our communities (his way of advocating state's rights) by turning federal programs over to the states to implement with fewer dollars from the federal government.  That makes life worse for most Americans, but it will be better for corporations and the military.  Corporate taxes will be substantially cut, but defense spending will not be cut. Apparently, we need to spend about as much as the rest of the world combined on the military to defend ourselves from terrorists who hijack airplanes by using box cutters as weapons.  We can pay for that by cutting healthcare benefits for most Americans.

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