Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How The Conservative Media Neuter Democratic Administrations

This article is about political interference by the Obama administration over a FDA decision to require that movie theaters place a notice on popcorn boxes that the caloric content of the butter is greater than two Big Macs. It also references an earlier decision by the administration to overturn the FDA approval of over the counter contraceptives. The FDA believes that its decisions should be based on the science and not the politics. The administration argues that these kinds of decisions are just the kinds of things that will be plastered all over the conservative media. The administration is correct. Fox News and Rush Limbaugh would have a field day with those decisions. The administration's decisions to over ride the FDA decisions shows the power of the conservative media in America. The GOP can safely ignore the media, even on much more important matters. For example, the Ryan budget plan, that was passed by the House, is being sold as a plan to cut budget deficits. Projections by the CBO show that it actually increases budget deficits. There were some critical op-eds and editorials in the NYT, and few other places, but very radical proposals by the GOP do not receive anything like the attention that the conservative media give to even minor decisions like those proposed by the FDA.

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