Thursday, May 19, 2016

How Fascism Comes To America

This article describes the Trump phenomenon, and the threat to democracy, very well.  Trump will be nominated to represent the Republican Party in the November presidential election.  Since he will be wearing the banner of the Republican Party in the national election many Republican leaders will support him in the election.  They do so at their own peril.  Trump is not a Republican, in the sense that he shares a common ideology with the Republican Party, he has no ideology.  Trump is a personality who offers an aura of power to those who feel powerless.  He contradicts himself constantly in his speeches.  His followers are not bothered by his contradictions, and neither is Trump.  They are angry at the society which they hardly understand.  Trump fuels their anger, and their hatred, in his attacks on the numerous villains who are responsible for their fears and concerns.  He is a source of power to them and not a source of ideas.  In this sense, he is more like fascist leaders that we have seen in the past.  Fascism is not a set of ideas; it depends upon the projection of power and authority in the leader who offers power to those without power.

The leaders of the Republican Party are primarily concerned about winning elections.  They are preparing to assist Trump in his effort to win the election in November.  If they are successful they will place the formidable powers of the presidency in the hands of an egomaniac who will turn his back on the Republican Party whenever it suits his purposes.  His motivations have little to do with political party that he is in the process of coopting. 

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