Saturday, January 21, 2012

An Opinion On The Crisis In Capitalism

A top executive from the world's largest bond fund writes in the Financial Times about the crisis in capitalism. Certain problems are intrinsic to capitalism. It is difficult provide sustained economic growth and unemployment and it often leads to inequalities than raise fundamental questions about the fair operation of the system. More recently, finance has been misused in ways that have created a global recession. We will have to live with the aftermath of this crisis for some time. We are also seeing problems in emerging economies. They have done a good job of lifting millions out of poverty but the policies employed to do so have led to global imbalances that are a source of problems. Lastly, private and government entities that supposed to prevent economic problems suffer from weak governance. We understand the problems with the system of capitalism. The question raised is whether the poor operation of the system will lead to distrust of the system itself.

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