Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More Private Jobs Created Under Democratic Presidents Than Under GOP Presidents

Presidential election campaigns are often based upon the assumption that one party is better at creating jobs than the other party.  It has been a big issue in this campaign because of the high unemployment rate.  Romney is making the argument that Obama's policies explain why the US recovery from this recession is slower than the average recoveries that we have had in the past.  He is correct but this is not an average recession.  This article provides some evidence that runs counter to the GOP claim that their policies are responsible for job creation.  More jobs have been created under the Obama administration than under his predecessor (Bush).  Moreover, since 1961, more jobs were created during democratic regimes than under GOP presidents.  Bill Clinton was the best democratic president at creating jobs.  Ronald Reagan created the most jobs during GOP presidencies.  Of course, republicans believe that Reagan created those jobs, and that he also created the Clinton jobs because of the policies that he initiated in his presidency. Clinton, however, raised taxes during his presidency and Reagan cut taxes substantially. Politics is what it is.

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