Monday, July 30, 2012

The Anti-Obama Versus The Anti-Romney Campaigns

Robert Reich wishes that the Obama campaign would go beyond exposing the flaws in Mitt Romney.  It would be a disaster if the Republicans won the election, but the Obama campaign seems to believe that it does not have to propose any bold plans for fixing the economy. They believe that the electorate will reject a candidate that has nothing better to offer than the policies the won two elections for George Bush.  They may be right, but that will leave the president without a mandate to do anything that would move the country in a better direction.

I'm not convinced about the importance of mandates.  Obama had a mandate to reverse the direction of the country after winning by a wide margin in 2008. He wasted it on Obamacare. Perhaps both campaigns are correct.  Romney is hard to like. His best chance is to pin the bad economy on Obama who continues to blame it on Bush.   Neither candidate seems to have a vision for the future that it is willing to sell to the public.

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