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An essential part of military strategy is to deny the enemy access to the means of conducting warfare. That is why airplanes attack factories that produce weapons and why the military attempts to bloc access to vital commodities such oil. This article is not about military strategy but it describes what the GOP is doing in a similar way. They are trying to defund the Democratic party by attacking the institutions that are essential for conducting political campaigns. That means limiting access to campaign contributions and limiting the access of potential democratic voters to the polls. The GOP attack on ACORN was to prevent it from mobilizing the black vote. The GOP attack on unions is to deny the Democratic party access to union funds and the mobilization of voters. Of course, the GOP portray's the attack on unions as an attack on overspending by government which produces large deficits, but this is primarily to disguise its primary purpose. Its all about winning elections and having access to the power of the state. The attack on government spending, and government taxes, also mobilizes its populist base in the tea party which helps to get out the vote. The democrats, on the other hand have a less strategic approach to winning elections. They focus on policy issues and wrapping the issues up into appealing campaign slogans. Of course, they also compete for campaign contributions from unaligned contributors, but they do not attack the conservative institutions that are the foundation of the GOP's ability to conduct political warfare.
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