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The GOP may have picked the wrong professor to smear. William Cronon is the incoming President of the American Historical Association. The AHA just released this response to the GOP request to the University for access to Cronon's university email account after he published an op-ed critical of the GOP's anti-union actions after taking power in Wisconsin.
The tactic used by the GOP in Wisconsin is standard operating procedure for conservative action groups. Last year, they hacked into university email accounts to fish for anything that might discredit climate scientists. Some of the researchers made snide remarks about climate change deniers. Those comments were spread all over the world and it was enough the change public opinion about the validity of climate scientist's evidence on the environmental threats associated with global warming.
I have lots of friends who have been republican's most of their lives. It used to be a party that had some principles and most of its elected officials put the country ahead of party politics. This is no longer true. The party has been taken over by far right organizations that puts its agenda ahead of that of the country. Their effort to silence academic critics is not part of the America in which most of us believe. It is more typical of autocratic regimes that most American's detest.
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