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George Will, a conservative ideologue, is given a platform by Newsweek to tell us that this administration is driven by progressive ideology to diminish our individualism and to make us more amenable to collectivism. He claims that this must be the purpose of the plan to develop high speed rail transport between major cities because someone at the conservative Cato Institute has proven that its a bad idea economically and that it will do nothing to reduce our oil consumption. We have the curious situation in which a conservative uses a conservative spokesperson from a conservative "think tank" to accuse the administration of having an ideological motivation to destroy American individualism. Investing in rail transportation is not only inspired by visions of collectivism, it will also make our country insolvent just as the geniuses from the Tea Party proclaim. Discretionary federal spending on anything that they don't like is the road to insolvency and perhaps even to that hot place where sinners are sent for all eternity.
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